How to help or donate to Chaldon Animal Sanctuary
Nobody ever made a greater mistake than he who did nothing,
because he could only do a little
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To go to SPONSORSHIP please click Hyacinth cat
To go to £ for a pet please click Wizard dog
To go to Easyfundraising please click logo
Ways to Donate
There are a number of ways you can make a donation - cheque, standing order, or PayPal.
Click on the £ if you'd like to send a paypal pound for a pooch or puss - a little extra "pocket money" for someone. Perhaps you'll choose Juliette, Wizard, Dilly or Nikki.
A cheque payable to Chaldon Animal Sanctuary and popped in the post to The Chalet, Birchwood Lane, Chaldon, CR3 5DQ, is always welcome.
Please include your details so I can send a thank you note / e-mail. Also mention if you would like to be added to the e-mailing list ( newsletter three times a year on website or posted one if you prefer ).
If you would like to make a direct payment to Chaldon's bank account, the details are:
BARCLAYS BANK, 84 Station Road, Redhill, RH1 1PW for the credit of CHALDON ANIMAL SANCTUARY.
ACCOUNT NO. 30497797 / SORT CODE NO. 20-24-64.
If you would like to make a PayPal donation, please use the Send Money to Friend option if possible as we then receive the full amount of your kind donation. You can send money easily, all you need is the e-mail address.
Or you can also click the button or scan the code below to make a Paypal donation - we pay charges so receive slightly less.
If you would like to set up a Standing Order, a form can be printed from the button below or drop me an e-mail or letter and I can post you one.
To give you an idea of how your money will help, below are some of our costs.
£1 buys a tin of cat food.
£2 buys a bag of dog treat biscuits.
£5 buys a week of Nikki's medication..
£10 buys ten days of Taxi's tablets..
£15.00 buys a flea and worm treatment for a cat.
£20 buys a flea and worm treatment for a dog.
£25 buys a sack of dog food.
£35 buys a dog chiropractor treatment for Taxi or Nikki.
£45 buys a sack of cat biscuits.
Here are various ideas of other ways you might like to help the sanctuary.
We collect used postage stamps to help raise funds as the stamps are then sold to a stamp dealer. It is very satisfying being able to raise funds from stamps that are normally thrown in the bin, and perhaps ask friends and work colleagues to get involved, and then pop them in the post to us ( address here - Contact)
We also use a lot of stamps ( 2nd class in particular ) and welcome being sent any new stamps for our post and newsletters etc.
Are you good at making items as handmade gifts generally sell well. Perhaps sell them yourself to friends and at work, or do you already sell on Ebay and could auction items on our animals behalf. Most of us have all sorts of items laying about or those unwanted gifts, which can turn into useful pennies & pounds for our animals. And don't forget the good old car boot sales if you fancy those, clear your unwanted items and feel good about it as you raise funds for our furry friends.
Can you spread the word and introduce us to your animal loving friends as new supporters are always needed and appreciated. Perhaps you can print off our Chaldon booklet ( or I can post some to you, just ask me. ) Then hand them out, leave them at work, your local vets, pet shop, grooming parlour, notice boards etc.
Without our friends, the sanctuary would not still be here to help the animals.
Would you like to keep up with life at the sanctuary and receive our newsletter three times a year. Let me know and I'll send you an e-mail when it's on the website to be read ( Spring, Summer and Winter ) EMAIL: chaldonanimalsanctuary@gmail.com
Click on the picture for more details of our sponsorship scheme where you can meet Tootsie, Sparkle, Crusoe,Taxi, Sunrise & Maple. This is a helpful way of raising a continuous & reliable income and new sponsors are always welcome.
And of course, donations are always very welcome, no matter how small as they all add up. How about a Chaldon Cash Pot - all those annoying 5p's and loose change popped aside in a pot, jar, piggy bank etc soon mounts up until you can send the proceeds.
Most of our supporters don't live locally so the idea of buying an extra tin of pet food etc when doing your own weekly shop isn't any good - but putting the money aside that you would have spent on a tin of food or pet treats is still possible of course !
What about a coffee morning as a good excuse for a get together with friends and collect donations in exchange for coffee & cakes. Or an evening meeting with something a bit stronger to drink perhaps ! Are you planning a diet, how about making it a sponsored one to really give you an incentive to stick with it & succeed? Or any other ideas where you can rally family, friends & work mates to sponsor you.
Make a donation rather than paying for Christmas cards and postage. You could send a Christmas e-card to all your online friends instead, letting them know what you've done and telling them about our sanctuary too.
Vet bills are a major expense and Chaldon Animal Sanctuary is very fortunate to have excellent support from our local veterinary surgery & staff. Our average veterinary costs each month are approximately £1000 so any help towards that is greatly appreciated.
The regular food bill is quite frightening with costs always rising and your support is much needed & appreciated to help raise the hundreds of pounds needed to feed everyone. As our animals live here permanently, we do not have any income from adoption fees.
There is no doubt whatsoever that without our supporters, Chaldon Animal Sanctuary would not have been able to continue. It is entirely due to each and every individual friend of the sanctuary that Jacky & I have been able to make a difference to so many pets lives over the years, turning sad faces into happy ones. From all of us, our thanks for your help.
To give you an idea of how your money will help, below are some of our costs:
£1 buys a tin of cat food.
£2 buys a bag of dog treat biscuits.
£5 buys a week of Nikki's medication..
£10 buys ten days of Taxi's tablets..
£15.00 buys a flea and worm treatment for a cat.
£20 buys a flea and worm treatment for a dog.
£25 buys a sack of dog food.
£35 buys a dog chiropractor treatment for Taxi or Nikki.
£45 buys a sack of cat biscuits.
A couple of our supporters bought to our attention that their solicitors told them they couldn't leave a donation to the sanctuary as we are not a registered charity. This of course is absolute nonsense. You can give your money to anyone you want to, an individual or an organisation, and in fact we have already benefited from a couple of legacies. So if you want to help the animals and keep our sanctuary going, please think about us when you make your will. Thank you.
Why not a Registered Charity?
It has been asked why we did not register as a charity when it was Jacky and me. There were several reasons as you can see below. As Chaldon Animal Sanctuary is privately run, we are known as a Good Cause.
1) It costs money to set up - solicitors fees etc.
2) We needed a third trustee (Jacky & Liz being 1 & 2).This was a problem as the sanctuary was (& still is ) home & at the end of the day I live with the outcome of decisions made.
3) The sanctuary is small and personal, we never grew into needing staff or committees with all the problems they may bring.
If registered, I could appeal for greater financial help from businesses etc who make taxable donations, but Jacky & I always felt the disadvantages outweigh the advantages - and all of you who are helping so wonderfully have proved we could make it work without growing too big. Every penny you send goes where you wanted - to the animals care and welfare.
From all the the residents
Liz & Furries